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Alright, I told you all I am pretty much an open, let's DIVE IN. I was born and raised in San Diego, CA and grew up in a small country town named Ramona. I should let you know, I use the term "country" loosely, because I never felt like it was COUNTRY.  But after surveying my San Diegan friends for the past 28 years, they all seem to think Ramona is VERY country. I loved every second of it though!! It gave me that small town vibe, but we could also drive 15 minutes west to be in Poway, a more suburban area, or you could drive even further east to get to a more secluded town called Julian! My high school years were interesting to say the least. I went to Poway High and BOTH my parents taught there...YES, you read that correctly. My Mom was a Physical Education teacher and my Dad was Design Mix Media, Jewelry and Fine Arts. Oh, and did I mention I have a brother and he was only one grade above me as well? So, day in and day out it was a family affair going to school. I love my family so much, but when I was younger we definitely had a rocky relationship. Mostly, because as a young adult you think you know everything and it takes some growing up to realize, you in fact, DO NOT know everything. Our relationships now are so much stronger than I could have ever imagined, but I digress...


So, my journey then took me three thousand miles away to the East Coast for college because all I wanted was to get as far away from home as possible. I was lucky enough to receive a full-ride Division 1 NCAA Volleyball scholarship to attend Fairfield University in Fairfield, CT. When I say I would go back to relieve those years, I truly would in a HEARTBEAT. I loved that school and the fact that I got to play volleyball there as well, was a dream come true. Every day I wake up thankful for the people I met along that journey...My roommates, my coaches, my teammates, my professors, my friends and the entire strength & conditioning staff. Each person I made a connection with along the way taught me something new. Fairfield was also the first place where I found my passion for Media and Communications. After four amazing years, I was able to walk away with a degree and a tournament ring for winning the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference my senior year! I'll still never forget graduation day watching the school fade away in the rear view mirror as I began my adventure back to California. 


Once I moved back here things got tricky...I moved back in with my folks because I didn't have any type of money to get me on my feet and I started looking for work ASAP. The only thing I wasn't prepared for, was to NOT get my dream job right off the bat. I ended up working part-time as a volleyball coach and part-time at Costco. Once I started excelling and moving up within Costco, I started pursuing it full-time until I was a Front End Supervisor. Let me tell you all something, I've never had a job as difficult as Costco. I like to see the positive traits in humanity, but working there tested me every single day. On the bright side, I met people there who became lifelong friends because we all were like a family. I give MAJOR props to every single Costco employee—you're all the real MVP's!


After four years of working there I finally got to say bon voyage and start another uncertain adventure. I went into the world of Accounting. WEIRD, RIGHT?  Not because Accounting is weird, but because I had no passion or interest in it...This was another moment in my life where I constantly thought—what are you doing with your life? I had such a strong desire to get into the world of Social Media and Marketing, but I continually found myself "settling" for a steady income. So, about one year into my two years of working in Accounting, I finally decided to market myself...which is how Sun, Smile & Style was born!


I turned my Instagram profile into a business account and made it public so that I could hit the ground running and start creating content. In the meantime, I had met and fell in love with my now fiancé all because I was dumped by my ex-boyfriend in a parking lot. Haha yeah you read that right...after I was dumped, I was ready to go out every weekend, RAGE and enjoy being single! Turns out, after one (non-sober) evening out in North Park, I had alllllll the butterflies and feels for a guy I met at a bar. Tyler and I talked more over the following weeks and once we started dating things couldn't have felt more perfect. The only thing missing was my career! So, each day after I would work my full shift as an Accounts Payable Clerk, I would come home and blog or post on Instagram! Then on the weekends, I would pitch to businesses or online boutiques for collaborations.


The passion and drive I had to develop my own brand and market myself, is how I was lucky enough to get an interview for a Marketing Coordinator position at a hotel in Del Mar, CA. After my phone interview and in-person interview, I was offered the job and yet again, couldn't have been more excited for how perfect everything fell together. After about 9 months of working there, I was offered a promotion to a Marketing Specialist role and then things really started to click. I've never felt more challenged and excited to go to work everyday!


If you're still reading...THANK YOU.


You pretty much know my entire life story now. If anyone has any questions about me or my brand, then drop me a message below! Otherwise, explore my site and subscribe to follow along in my creative journey!


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