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  • Writer's pictureKara Reis

The Truth About Comparison

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

Most days, I wake up and social media doesn’t weigh me down negatively. Yesterday was really tough for me. I woke up feeling stressed out that my numbers & engagement have recently been lower than normal. I started to compare my feed, my style, my life to others with larger followings & I very quickly fell down the dark rabbit hole...

I thought, "Well people must not like my feed because it doesn’t have a cohesive color/filter associated to it” or, “I don’t have enough chic outfits & that’s what’s trending right now, so maybe I should go buy new clothes…” or, “I’m not skinny enough to wear those clothes, but everyone loves that style right now” etc...I spent the whole day feeling worried, stressed & anxious. I compared myself to others all day. Then, driving home a couple of songs came on the radio that motivated me to want to go to a spin class with my favorite instructor. I went. I sweat. I almost cried. But, I left feeling like I dumped all the negativity I was carrying around with me that day, IN THAT ROOM. It was exhilarating. I had 45 minutes of time in my head to shut off all the anxious thoughts & was able to focus on ME, MYSELF AND I. It made me feel rejuvenated & helped me realize that I CANNOT allow myself to compare my life, style, content, or WHATEVER it may be, to others. I am living my own UNIQUE life & telling my own UNIQUE story. I am SO happy with my relationships, my friends, my family, my style, my content & most importantly, MY LIFE. I just felt the need to be transparent with you all, because even the people who share the happiest pictures have some ROUGH DAYS. I had one yesterday. It took me all day but, I snapped out of it & I am better today.

COMPARISON IS NATURAL. However, how you choose to respond, is what matters.

You can either let it ruin your day, like I did, or you can take a positive spin on it & simply use it to realize every person, profile or picture, is unique in their own way. By taking the positive stance, you will stop comparing yourself & start SUPPORTING one another. If anyone has ever felt like this before, just know that you are NOT ALONE. The truth is, EVERYONE has insecurities, doubts, fears & problems of their own. And it’s extremely hard to choose happiness every single day, but it’s a work in progress that I truly believe in fighting for…SO hopefully, this very lengthy rant can help you snap out of the rabbit hole of comparison & help you turn those negative thoughts of comparison, into positive thoughts of support for all the other unique, exquisite influencers in the world!

Xoxo, Kara

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