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  • Writer's pictureKara Reis

VERVE Studios

Feeling disconnected, uninspired, and unmotivated? Well, let me tell you the story of how my passion and drive were reignited by this place called VERVE Studios in Del Mar, CA.

VERVE Studios is an indoor cycling studio located in Del Mar, CA. Lena Rekijian, the founder and owner of VERVE Studios, is a dynamic entrepreneur born and raised in Carlsbad, CA. She is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, indoor cycling instructor, yoga teacher, and health/wellness writer. Her passion for indoor cycling, community outreach, and personal development has motivated her to launch her own studio closer to home. I was lucky enough to meet Lena about a year ago and little did I know, meeting her would forever change my life.

"The community built from VERVE Studios is PURE MAGIC."

Most of my family members, friends, and social media followers, know where you can find me 5 out of the 7 days in a VERVE Studios! That's because this space, this community—transforms lives. Never did I ever think I would be as passionate as I am about indoor cycling, but thanks to the support and love from my VERVE family, I am! Last year I was stuck in rut. I was unmotivated and unwilling to step out of my comfort zone when it came to working out. I would go to a yoga class here and there, lift at the gym with Tyler, run around the neighborhood, play volleyball once a week, but NOTHING ignited that fire inside me. Being an ex-athlete, I think we hold ourselves to a higher standard. We are used to seeing ourselves painted in a certain light, and our bodies looking/moving in a specific way. But that is the amazing thing about VERVE. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE.

The first time I worked out in the studio, I wore a sports bra and leggings ONLY, which is unheard of for me. No, that's not unheard of for people in general, but when you have major skin insecurities like I do—it's hard to feel comfortable and confident. I have never once felt judged, unwelcomed, unsupported or unloved within the walls of VERVE Studios. In fact, they've lit a fire and helped me find my confidence once again, regardless of how my skin or body looks. The rooms are dark, the instructors are powerful, and the music is FIRE!

This space has been somewhere that I've cried, grown, challenged myself, screamed, hooped and hollered, hair-flipped and sang, all while finding my new family. They see me more than my real family does, and have all helped me through some of the toughest sh*t that life has thrown at me. I've never been more obsessed with a group of people and the community that is VERVE Studios. If anyone local ever wants to ride there with me, let me know! I can bring you as a guest and I guarantee after your first free week, you'll be craving more from VERVE!



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